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Publish-Date Sep 27, 2012

Expiry-Date Oct 27, 2019

World Record Production of Potato at Darweshupura Village, Bihar by using GLS inputs

A Farmer namely Nitishkumar of Darveshpura village, Dist. Biharsarif, Bihar, India has been able to achieve world record production of Potato with the help of GLS inputs.

(Rajesh Umatt, COO with Nitishkumar, farmer world record producer of potato per ha.)

Organic Initiative of Bihar:
Bihar government planned a major programme in 2011-12 for taking up large scale organic farming. The chief minister of Bihar declared a major initiative by organizing International Conference on “Organic Bihar” in June 2011. Several national and international experts and practicing farmers were invited. In this invited key note address (3) by Dr.M.H.Mehta- Chairman - The Science Ashram/Gujarat Life Sciences presented a model showing how packages of Ecofriendly Agri Bio Inputs can substantially reduce the agri-input cost and at the same time improve farm productivity. Such a model of Agri Bio Inputs CERTIFIED BY France based company; ECOCERT was thought to be the most appropriate for most of the places but particularly for resource poor and backward areas..
Bihar-Nalanda District:
Many parts of Bihar are relatively poor but have rich and diversified agricultural base. Again more than 70% of labor force and poor are in rural areas. It was appropriately thought that a right Ecofriendly or organic model can convert this into an opportunity.
Materials and Methods:
The organic farming of Potato, variety Pukhraj was carried out at Darveshpura, Nalanda district in Bihar. Nitish Kumar (farmer) has adopted the ‘Dhaincha’ process to increase the fertility of soil. Inputs used were 100 kg vermi-compost, 100kg chicken lahi, N.P.K., Bio inputs of Gujarat Life Sciences(GLS) like Wonderlife -G (Granule based Biofertilizer), GLS-Enrich (soil conditioner), Vamstar (root promoter), Tricholife (seed treatment), Superlife (liquid Biofertilizer), Hot Favorite & Amino mix (liquid growth promoter), Kelp Extract (Growth Enzyme), Bioshot (fungicide), Neem A life (botanical biopesticide) & Beaulife (microbial pesticide). Beside this, time to time proper training was organized and field visit by GLS experts has helped the farmers for application of the products in right proportion and at the right time. All these products conform to the International standards of Ecocert and have been developed as safe but highly effective Agri Bio Inputs. Such a package (4, 5) was developed keeping in mind the great need of model which is Ecofriendly and reduces the cost of agro inputs and still gave higher production.
To help the farmers improve productivity with ecofriendly inputs, the scientists of Gujarat Life Sciences were asked to make a comprehensive package of Agri Bio Inputs. These are given in stage wise manner as per given in table 1.
Table 1: GLS Organic Package for Potato
Nutrient Management
Product Recommended and Dosage
Stage 1: Main field preparation
While main field preparation
GLS – Enrich@8 kg/acre + Bioshot@ 5 grams per liter of water in the soil
Stage 2 : Sowing
At the time of sowing
Wonderlife-G@ 5 kg. / acre + Vamstar @ 2.5 kg. / acre respectively with FYM
Stage 3: Germination & Vegetative Development
15 days after germination
Superlife @1 liter/ acre + Tricholife@1 kg/acre in the root zone
30 days after germination
Wonderlife –G @ 5 kg. / acre + Vamstar@ 2.5 kg. / acre with FYM
50 – 60 days after germination
Hotfavourite@ 1 liter/ acre in the root zone through drenching
Stage 4: Tuber initiation and development
75 days after germination
Vamstar @ 2.5 kg/acre with FYM
80-90 days after germination
GLS Amino mix @2-3 ml/ liter of water in the root zone
Disease and Pest Management
Pests/ Disease
All stages disease management
Tricholife @ 1 kg/acre
Leaf spot, root and stem rot, damping off disease
Bioshot @5 grams/liter of water as foliar or root zone application
Spray: Neem-A-Life at 4-5 ml / lit. of water.
If thrips attack is very heavy, spray Thrip-Thrash (1-2 ml/liter of water) with Neem-A-Life. Repeat the spray if required
White fly
Spray Neem-A-Life with Beaulife (1-2 ml/liter of water)
For other pests like Aphids, Jassids, Bollworms
Use Beaulife at 4-5 gms. / lit. of water + Neem-A-Life 4-5 gms /liter of water and spray on infected area
Mite no mite: 1-2 ml/liter of water to combat Red spider mites, Yellow mites and spider mites.
Sucking & Chewing pests, DBM
Monoshot: 3-4 ml/liter of water for preventive pest control as well as for infested area
Use Nematkiller 1 kg/acre through drenching. If problem persists, repeat the application.
 A progressive farmer (6) based on above package reported his inputs as per Table - 2.
 Table2: Eco organic package for Potato – A Typical Case.

Sr no
Inputs name
Per hectare/Kg/lit
cow dung
Poultry manure
Wonderlife-G ( Granules)
GLS ENRICH (soil conditioner)
Vamstar (root promoter)
Tricholife (seed treatment and Disease Management)
Superlife ( liquid Biofertilizer)
2.5 lit
GLS Hot Favourate + GLS Amino mix ( liquid growth promoter)
2.5 lit each
 GLS Kelp Extract ( Growth Enzyme)
2.5 lit
 Bioshot (fungicide)
 Neem A life( Botanical  biopesticide)
2.5 lit
Beaulife ( powder biopesticide)
2.5 kg

(The farmer also had used 12kg/hectare of NPK mixture but other than that  no chemical fertilizer or pesticides were used.)
Results and Discussion:
In the village Darveshpura of Nalanda District, Bihar nearly 65 hac of land was taken up for organic cultivation of potato with the above mentioned Package (Table 2). A small but progressive farmer Mr. Nitish Kumar (6) in this village was taken as typical case. He has been growing potato (and other crops) in his farm in Darveshpura of Nalanda District and had earlier reported a yield of potato of nearly 30tones/ha using chemical inputs.
Nitish Kumar has proved that with help of organic input package, a substantial increase in production is possible. Harvesting of potato, under the supervision of agriculture scientist and District Agriculture and horticultural, officers a production of 72.9 tones /ha. was recovered and reported (6, 7).

New world record Production Nalanda, Bihar
 72.9 tones per hectare

It was reported earlier (7) that previous record of potato production (Netherlands) was about 45.0 tones / hectare. The entire cultivation was Organic and only GLS products along with cow dung compost was used. No chemicals were added. The previous average yield from the same area with chemical cultivation was approximately 30 Tons per Hectare. This world record production of organic inputs has proved that the new generation Agri Bio Inputs can give higher production that to in ecofriendly way.